Tuesday December 24
5PM English
11 PM Bilingual
Wednesday, December 25
9 AM English
11 AM Spanish
Wed - Fri: 8:00 AM
Sat: 3:30 PM
First Fridays after 9 PM Mass
Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 9 PM
(Weekly One Hour Commitment)
We are a multicultural and diverse Roman Catholic sacramental community. In the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, we strive to reach out with open arms and receive all people by our commitment to evangelization, social justice, and active participation in community life.
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered through prayer and action to heal, to reconcile, and to welcome all people as our community grows in unity. We pray and work together to make the mission of Jesus a reality in our parish, St. Paul of the Cross.
On May 4, 1956, St. Paul of the Cross was established by the late James Francis Cardinal McIntyre. Once an olive grove in La Mirada, St. Paul of the Cross has become a thriving Catholic parish of more than fifteen hundred families.
Under the guidance of the founding pastor, Father Owen P. Jinks, St. Paul of the Cross has flourished from dishpan baptisms and Moose Lodge Masses to an active, viable faith community with numerous active organizations and an excellent elementary school...